Daily Business Tools You Didn't Know You Needed

There’s nothing worse than getting the opportunity of a lifetime for your business and in your email or contract or even on your website - you have freakin’ misspelled words! What about missing important calls because you double booked your schedule - happened to me one too many times. Or you’ve just been rocking your business flows with what you know and you need more without breaking the bank.

Here are some tools that have helped level up my businesses and my client’s needs:


As a recovering perfectionist, there’s nothing worse than catching typos after you hit send! If you use Google Chrome you can add Grammarly as an extension - let me tell you - it. is. a. lifesaver.

Whether your writing an email or designing quick graphics on Canva, this gem will catch all the misspelled words and grammatical errors. You can use the free version or the paid one, it is a great tool that integrates nicely with platforms!


Google (Everything!): Google Workspace + Apps

Who Runs The woooorld? Google. Lol. Seriously, as a business owner creating habits that reduce stress is essential. I’ve learned that Google can truly change the flow of entrepreneur life. Organization is key! The Google Calendar, Slides, Sheets, Docs, Business, Analytics, and Meet are my accountability partners.

Adobe Express and Canva

Quickly and Easily Make Standout Content from Beautiful Templates with Adobe Express. Make Stunning Graphics and Video Stories in Just a Few Taps at Any Skill Level. Do More with Your Stories.

I love Canva and Adobe Creative Cloud products, honestly… you can’t go wrong with either.

Dubsado CRM for Creatives

CRM is a Client Relations Management platform- there are different ones like Honeybook and Hubspot but this one works for me. Admin was the bane of my existence! I almost quit design before I found this and understood the value it added to my creative brain.

Dubsado is used for admin needs like sending proposals, signing contracts, collecting payments, sending custom forms, and getting your time back with powerful workflows — all in one place. Each inquiry is organized PLUS you can link your accounts seamlessly like Google and Quickbooks. With their Scheduling system, you don’t need Calendly.

These are the tools that truly me help stay on my game. Try them out and be great, creative boss!


Mastering the Art of Design Briefs in preparation to Hire a Graphic Designer


A Note to Self Turned Into a Note For You: Be Creative!