A Note to Self Turned Into a Note For You: Be Creative!

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

As a creative specializing in graphic communications, design, and a multidisciplined artist - I’ve learned that creativity is truly the manifestation of an idea, a concept… a vision turned into reality. Entrepreneurship through my product-based brand: Shine In All Shades how powerful human connection is, the power of visual brand strategy, and the implementation of systems.

We are creatives in our own way and so I am using this blog to share different resources, tips, and inspiration to empower the inner creative in you.

Recognize your ideas. Acknowledge the solution you bringing to the world, no matter how “big or small“.

Together we will elevate your creativity!

Founder valeria Rodriguez Laughing and Creating

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